About me

I am a post-doctoral scientist situated in Brussels, currently advancing smart sensors tailored for health applications, like physiotherapy and health assessment. With a background in software engineering, my enthusiasm lies in combining AI with sensors. My interests are biometrics, iris recognition, pose recognition, image processing, and, yes, even deep learning. My overarching aim is to enhance interfaces, ensuring that technology seamlessly serves and benefits humanity.


2011-2016 PhD in Applied Informatics, double degree from:

2007-2009 Software Engineering (M.Eng.) at Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

2004-2007 Informatics (M.Eng) at Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava


See Google Scholar, Orcid or VUB Research portal

Journal publications:

  1. Omelina, L., Goga, J., Pavlovicova, J., Oravec, M. and Jansen, B., 2021. A survey of iris datasets. Image and Vision Computing108, p.104109.
  2. Decavele, S., Ortibus, E., Van Campenhout, A., Molenaers, G., Jansen, B., Omelina, L. and Franki, I., 2020. The effect of a rehabilitation-specific gaming software platform to achieve individual physiotherapy goals in children with severe spastic cerebral palsy: A randomized crossover trial. Games for health journal9(5), pp.376-385.
  3. Bonnechère, B., Jansen, B., Haack, I., Omelina, L., Feipel, V., Van Sint Jan, S. and Pandolfo, M., 2018. Automated functional upper limb evaluation of patients with Friedreich ataxia using serious games rehabilitation exercises. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation15, pp.1-9.
  4. Bonnechère, B., Omelina, L., Kostkova, K., Van Sint Jan, S. and Jansen, B., 2018. The end of active video games and the consequences for rehabilitation. Physiotherapy Research International23(4), p.e1752.
  5. Bonnechère, B., Sholukha, V., Omelina, L., Van Sint Jan, S. and Jansen, B., 2018. 3D analysis of upper limbs motion during rehabilitation exercises using the KinectTM sensor: development, laboratory validation and clinical application. Sensors18(7), p.2216.
  6. Dhont, J., Cusumano, D., Boldrini, L., Chiloiro, G., Azario, L., Cellini, F., De Spirito, M., Omelina, L., Vandemeulebroucke, J., Verellen, D. and Valentini, V., 2018. Real-time long-term multi-object tracking on cineMR using a tracking-learning-detection framework. Radiotherapy and Oncology127, pp.S99-S100.
  7. Bonnechère, B., Sholukha, V., Omelina, L., Van Vooren, M., Jansen, B. and Jan, S.V.S., 2017. Suitability of functional evaluation embedded in serious game rehabilitation exercises to assess motor development across lifespan. Gait & posture57, pp.35-39.
  8. Bonnechère, B., Jansen, B., Omelina, L., Sholukha, V. and Van Sint Jan, S., 2017. Patients’ follow-up using biomechanical analysis of rehabilitation exercises. International Journal of Serious Games4(1).
  9. Bonnechère, B., Jansen, B., Omelina, L., Sholukha, V. and Van Sint Jan, S., 2016. Validation of the balance board for clinical evaluation of balance during serious gaming rehabilitation exercises. Telemedicine and e-Health22(9), pp.709-717.
  10. Bonnechere, B., Jansen, B., Omelina, L., Degelaen, M., Wermenbol, V., Rooze, M. and Jan, S.V.S., 2014. Can serious games be incorporated with conventional treatment of children with cerebral palsy? A review. Research in developmental disabilities35(8), pp.1899-1913.
  11. Bonnechère, B., Jansen, B., Omelina, L. and Jan, S.V.S., 2016. The use of commercial video games in rehabilitation: a systematic review. International journal of rehabilitation research39(4), pp.277-290.
  12. Bonnechère, B., Jansen, B., Salvia, P., Bouzahouene, H., Omelina, L., Cornelis, J., Rooze, M. and Jan, S.V.S., 2013. Can the kinectTM sensors be used for motion analysis?. Transaction on Electrical and Electronic Circuits and Systems4(1).
  13. Bonnechère, B., Sholukha, V., Jansen, B., Omelina, L., Rooze, M. and Van Sint Jan, S., 2014. Determination of repeatability of kinect sensor. Telemedicine and e-Health20(5), pp.451-453.
  14. Bonnechere, B., Jansen, B., Salvia, P., Bouzahouene, H., Omelina, L., Moiseev, F., Sholukha, V., Cornelis, J., Rooze, M. and Jan, S.V.S., 2014. Validity and reliability of the Kinect within functional assessment activities: comparison with standard stereophotogrammetry. Gait & posture39(1), pp.593-598.
  15. Omelina, L., Jansen, B., Bonnechère, B., Oravec, M., Jarmila, P. and Jan, S.V.S., 2016. Interaction detection with depth sensing and body tracking cameras in physical rehabilitation. Methods of information in medicine55(01), pp.70-78.
  16. Bonnechere, B., Jansen, B., Omelina, L. and Jan, S.V.S., 2016. Do patients perform their exercises at home and why not? a survey on patient habits during rehabilitation exercises. The Ulutas Medical Journal2(1), pp.41-46.
  17. Bonnechère, B., Jansen, B., Omelina, L., Wermembol, V., Rooze, M. and Jan, S.V.S., 2013. Les jeux vidéo (bientôt) au service des patients?. médecine/sciences29(11), pp.957-960.
  18. Bonnechère, B., Omelina, L., Jansen, B. and Van Sint Jan, S., 2017. Balance improvement after physical therapy training using specially developed serious games for cerebral palsy children: preliminary results. Disability and rehabilitation39(4), pp.403-406.
  19. Bonnechère, B., Jansen, B., Omelina, L., Rooze, M. and Jan, S.V.S., 2015. Interchangeability of the Wii Balance Board for bipedal balance assessment. JMIR rehabilitation and assistive technologies2(2), p.e3832.
  20. Kostková, K., Omelina, Ľ., Kyčina, P. and Jamrich, P., 2013. An introduction to load management. Electric Power Systems Research95, pp.184-191.
  21. Kostková, K., Omelina, Ľ., Kyčina, P. and Jamrich, P., 2013. International Experience with the Implementation of Direct and Indirect Load Management Methods. International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 33 (2)
  22. Bieliková, M., Divéky, M., Jurnečka, P., Kajan, R. and Omelina, L.U., 2008. Automatic generation of adaptive, educational and multimedia computer games. Signal, image and video processing2, pp.371-384.

Book chapters:

  1. Oravec, M., Pavlovičová, J., Mazanec, J., Omelina, Ľ., Féder, M. and Ban, J., 2011. Efficiency of recognition methods for single sample per person based face recognition. Reviews, Refinements and New Ideas in Face Recognition, pp.181-206.
  2. Bonnechère, B., Jansen, B., Omelina, L., Rooze, M. and Van Sint Jan, S., 2015. Validation of the Balance Board™ for Clinical Evaluation of Balance Through Different Conditions. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015, pp. 11{23. [Online]. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-48645-0_2
  3. Bonnechère, B., Jansen, B., Omelina, L. and Jan, S.V.S., 2014. Integration of exergames and virtual reality in the treatment of cerebral palsy children. In Handbook on Cerebral Palsy: Risk Factors, therapeutic management and long-term prognosis(pp. 25-40). Nova Science Publishers.
  4. Omelina, L., Jansen, B., Bonnechère, B., Oravec, M. and Van Sint Jan, S., 2015. Detection of Interaction with Depth Sensing and Body Tracking Cameras in Physical Rehabilitation Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015, pp. 11{23. [Online]. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-48645-0_2


  1. Oravec, J. Pavlovicova, L. Omelina, M. Feder, J. Ban, J. Mazanec, M. Valco, and M. Zelina, Machine Learning Methods for Feature Extraction and Pattern Recognition. Part 2: Biometric face recognition. (in Slovak language), 1st ed., ser. 2. FELIA, 2013.

Research projects and collaborations:

  • Applied research of power network optimization and management in smart grid era (ITMS 26240220069) supported by the Research & Development Operational Programme funded by the ERDF (2011-2014)
  • VEGA (Slovak Grant Agency) 1/0214/10 – ID KIB: 2266, Proposal of Methods of Analysis and Classification for Biometric Recognition of Human Faces and Trafic in Communication Networks.
  • APVV (Slovak Research and Development Agency) APVV-0513-10, Measuring, communication and information systems for monitoring of cardiovascular risk in hypertesion patients.
  • VEGA (Slovak Grant Agency) 1/0961/11, Advanced Image Processing Algorithms for Effective Human Face Retrieval and Coding.
  • BioDaT 2012et001, Biometric recognition based on images of iris and face.
  • VEGA (Slovak Grant Agency) 1/0529/13, Proposal of Advanced Methods of Biometric Recognition Based on Face and Iris Images.
  • HBBNext FP7-ICT-2011-7-287848, Next Generation Hybrid Media.
  • PhD Visit at MIT MedialLab – Camera culture group (Jan-June 2013)
  • ICT4Rehab (funded the Brussels government agency Innoviris) 2010/PFSICT03, Advanced ICT Platform for Rehabilitation – Including Serious Gaming and Clinical Data analysis.
  • GIPA (ICON project) 01/01/2014 { 31/12/2015, Generic Platform for Augmented Reality Applications.
  • RehabGoesHome (funded the Brussels government agency Innoviris) , Rehabilitation Guardian for Young and Elderly patients at Home
  • wE-MOVE (ICON project) 01/01/2015 – 31/12.2016, Exergaming Used as Rehabilitation and Movement Exercises for Children.
  • ANTICIPATE (funded the Brussels government agency Innoviris), 2021, AugmeNTed IntelligenCe In orthopaedics TrEatments
  • TARGET HORIZON-HLTH-2023-TOOL-05-GA101136244, (co-authored proposal)

Conferences and abstracts: see my google scholar profile